We offer a place of safety, acceptance and honouring of where the individual is at.
The loudest conversation in our western society, when it comes to health, can leave you wondering about your deeper and interconnected layers of healing that are possible.
Stress, anxiety and trauma overwhelm the functions of the body and can maintain that stronghold and story on the nervous system and interfere with communication between the different parts of your body. So, if you find yourself unable to talk through your struggles, then perhaps a different lens to work with is required.
The nervous system holds patterns of responding and relating that are well ingrained to sense threat and protect you. These perceptions of threat can be overstretching beyond the need, when no safety concern exists. These are what you get to know as your triggers. This creates a maladaptive stress response which long term can becomes the source for many ailments for the human condition where chronic stress are involved.
In Bloom approaches it’s treatments for mental and physical health issues with the view that everything involves checking out the state of the nervous system.
In Bloom Integrative Therapy uses functional brain-based movement approaches and evidenced based cognitive and somatic modalities, to support you where you are at and process what is required, which allows the nervous system to come into balance. The service offers a range of modalities, which integrate to support the whole person, the communication between your brain and body and supporting your sense of self in the world alongside your experiences. using Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Functional Neuro Health